portlandia pilot

2020-07-27 20:47

I watched the portlandia pilot today and I thought it was hilarious.

I laughed really hard at the sketch where hipster diners asked endless questions about the source of the chicken and ultimately fell into a cult for five years when they went to learn more.

I really liked the idea that Portland Oregon is where the weird trends and other aspirational goals of the 90s ( “where Gore won…”) are alive and well in the hipster subculture there.

All this in a wierd coincidence with what has been going on lately with Portland in the social unrest in 2020.

“The protests have been especially politically charged in Portland, with accusations that federal agents are making unjustified arrests of protesters in unmarked vans. Civil rights groups have called the incidents”kidnapping." Williams requested an inspector general probe into the incidents and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has said that the agents were identified with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) insignia during the alleged encounters, but that their names were not on their uniforms due to doxing attempts against the officers."